A break? But with friends, please. In the very south of Switzerland

Auton­o­my makes the dif­fer­ence. Retreats and seminars

Meride – at the south tip of Switzerland

Sim­ply arriv­ing here is relax­ing! A small Tici­nese vil­lage with a his­to­ry, a nar­row lane, seclud­ed court­yard, ancient red “cop­pi” roof tiles, and two hosts who love peo­ple. Wel­come! La Crisalide is a hol­i­day apart­ment, a suite, a sin­gle room, an Oste­ria (restau­rant).

La Crisalide

Meride is at the south­ern­most tip of Switzer­land, just fif­teen min­utes from busy Men­dri­sio, yet nes­tled in vine­yards at the foot of UNESCO World Nat­ur­al Her­itage Site Monte San Giorgio.

We offer far more than just a bed and some break­fast. For exam­ple deli­cious packed lunch­es. Inspir­ing dis­cus­sions, per­haps mul­ti­lin­gual, over yet anoth­er cap­puc­ci­no. Amus­ing and thought pro­vok­ing con­ver­sa­tions about cul­ture, his­to­ry, and the peo­ple of the most souther­ly cor­ner of Switzerland.

Sleep­ing and living

A vaca­tion apart­ment for the whole fam­i­ly, a suite and a hide­away. Every­thing is pos­si­ble: you cook your­self, you book with break­fast or half board.

Apart­ment “Zaf­firo“

50 m², with two rooms and a gallery with a sleep­ing cave for the kids, ful­ly equipped kitchen, sep­a­rate bath­room with show­er and bath­tub. Incl. TV and inter­net. In total 6 sleep­ing places.

per night, 2 personsCHF
3 nights175.50
4 nights157.95
5 nights …142.15
extra bed25.00
per night, 2 personsCHF
3 nights166.50
4 nights149.85
5 nights …134.85
extra bed25.00

Suite «Gia­da»

30 m², 2 sin­gle beds, extra bed and crib pos­si­ble, kitchen and bath­room for com­mon use. Incl. TV and Internet.

per night, 2 personsCHF
3 nights130.50
4 nights117.45
5 nights …105.71
extra bed25.00
per night, 2 personsCHF
3 nights121.50
4 nights109.35
5 nights …98.45
extra bed25.00

Hide­away «Ambra»

15 m², 2 sin­gle beds, free of TV and inter­net, kitchen and bath­room for com­mon use.

per night, 2 personsCHF
3 nights112.50
4 nights101.25
5 nights …91.15
extra bed25.00
per night, 2 personsCHF
3 nights103.50
4 nights93.15
5 nights …83.85
extra bed25.00

Love your neigh­bour, because he is like you 


Your hosts – Eri­ca and Wolf­gang Küng

Pas­sion makes good cooks, the mix­ture of being inquis­i­tive and hav­ing your own style makes for a spe­cial atmos­phere. We offer good food in a spe­cial atmos­phere because we love peo­ple and are fas­ci­nat­ed by them. Mar­ried in 1978, we accom­pa­nied our two sons and sev­en day care chil­dren on their way. We love Tici­no, it’s sym­pho­ny of fra­grances, colours and sounds. We love Ital­ian­itá, music, films and books that speak to the heart. We like danc­ing and hik­ing and our favourite cui­sine is Mediter­ranean. We have spent almost all our work­ing lives help­ing peo­ple in dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tions and are trained to help. We allow our­selves to be hap­py. That’s a part of La Crisalide


Just around the cor­ner in Meride we find the stream with its lit­tle water­falls and pools, invit­ing us to build dams, or seek adven­ture — or to be enchant­ed, to dream and float and for­get. Four lakes are wait­ing to be dis­cov­ered, for bathing, wind surf­ing, sail­ing, eat­ing Gelati and sim­ply enjoy­ing life: Lake Lugano, Lake Como, Lago Mag­giore and Lago di Varese.


The area Men­dri­siot­to is part of the most souther­ly foothills of the Alps. That’s why the slopes are gen­tle. Not that we could­n’t get into a sweat, but its not quite as steep as in the val­leys. It’s also why most of the trails are suit­able for fam­i­lies with small chil­dren or for the more mature walker.

Out and about

Relax­ing, peace and qui­et, read­ing, time to think and talk on the one hand, on the oth­er hand mak­ing new dis­cov­er­ies, get­ting out, being active. Men­dri­siot­to and the area around Lugano have some­thing for every­one. Swim­ming in the Lake Lugano, paraglid­ing off Monte Gen­eroso, jazz in Men­dri­sio, prom­e­nad­ing on the shores of Lake Como, Swiss Minia­ture in Melide, hik­ing in the “for­got­ten” Valle di Mug­gio, the Bellav­ista moun­tain bike tour…

Dol­ce far niente

Sweet idle­ness, let lose respon­si­bil­i­ty, start­ing the day with­out a plan, not stop­ping until you feel like doing some­thing new, a gela­to beck­ons or the scent of espres­so tick­les your nose.

Time­outs and Seminars

For peo­ple who want to explore, devel­op and live them­selves and their beliefs.

Assist­ed time out — for the love of yourself.

Rest and relax­ation: time to reflect on issues. Alone or with com­pa­ny. The beau­ty of the place and the sur­round­ings. Enjoy­ment of your own and new perspectives.

Rest and relax­ation: This is well pos­si­ble with us. You live in the apart­ment Zaf­firo. You cook your­self or let us spoil you. Or some­times like this, some­times like that. You get, if you want, sup­port in the arrange­ment of your day. You can take advan­tage of coach­ing sessions.

Per­son­al and made to mea­sure: By „assist­ed time-out” we mean a peri­od of one to about six weeks where we open our­selves and our Cor­tile (court­yard) “La Crisalide” to indi­vid­u­als or cou­ples. We are both trained in coach­ing and psy­chol­o­gy and have been accom­pa­ny­ing peo­ple for more than 25 years.

You want or need to get out of the dai­ly rou­tine: You are look­ing for a pro­tect­ed place. You want to spend time with your­self, but not be lost. You want to be in charge of your day, but you want help to be there when you need it. You’re look­ing for both peace and qui­et and conversation.

CHF 1’500 per week for indi­vid­u­als, CHF 2’100 for cou­ples.
Includ­ed are trans­fer Men­dri­sio — Meride, 6 nights half board, sup­port of the time out. Coach­ing ses­sions are charged sep­a­rate­ly: CHF 100 per hour for indi­vid­u­als, CHF 150 per hour for couples.

The last spoon­ful of “orange marmel­la­ta con rose­mary” has been eat­en, the book from the library cup­board has been read, but we still have a thou­sand won­der­ful mem­o­ries of our days in Tici­no. The hike up Monte San Gior­gio was a high­light, the view from the top is unfor­get­table, as is the packed lunch. The walks around the vil­lage were also calm­ing and invig­o­rat­ing. The atmos­phere in your out­door and indoor rooms is very pleas­ant. The rooms are lov­ing­ly fur­nished, the mead­ow flow­ers on the tables imme­di­ate­ly remind us of Eri­ca and her warmth. The food was deli­cious­ly pre­pared, it was cozy to be with you. We went to Meride to take a break from every­day life. The goal was achieved, after one day we had the feel­ing that we had been away from home for a long time. In between, we were trans­port­ed back to ancient times with mem­o­ries of fos­sils, the small muse­um in the vil­lage enrich­ing these impres­sions. The vil­lage store, where every­one seems to have much more time than in Bern, also reminds us to “shut down”. Every­thing is like a whole, select­ed and found by the two of you and designed with warmth and professionalism. 

In Holy Week 2010, my path led me to Eri­ca and Wolf­gang for the first time. I was look­ing for a place to pause, to think about what was ripe for let­ting go. La Crisalide with its Cor­tile: open­ness and yet a pro­tect­ed space. At La Crisalide, I found peo­ple who were famil­iar with ups and downs. They showed me an infec­tious zest for life. I could be free and alone in their envelop­ing com­mu­ni­ty with­out feel­ing lone­ly. Gen­er­ous hos­pi­tal­i­ty enveloped me from all sides: hand­made del­i­ca­cies for the palate, bath essences for a hot bath after rain show­ers, warm­ing fires after hikes in the cold, hot cocoa after night­ly pro­ces­sions, always lov­ing care for the soul. Always a plea­sure: to return to the heart-warm­ing oasis of La Crisalide, to set off again and again from there, equipped with maps and tips, for adven­tures in the Men­drisot­to. Hik­ing in the gen­tle, hilly coun­try­side with mag­nif­i­cent views, trees, flow­ers and scents, won­der­ful hik­ing trails, grot­ti and mon­ti, cul­tur­al assets and tra­di­tion­al fes­ti­vals. Last but not least, the Ital­ian way of life and the excel­lent infra­struc­ture made La Crisalide a far­away place for me.

Vaca­tions — just like with friends. That’s exact­ly what it is. Admit­ted­ly, we had known Eri­ca and Wolf­gang for a long time and had expe­ri­enced a lot of joy and pain with them. But actu­al­ly being their guests was a new expe­ri­ence. It was good to catch up on the long evenings. Chris­tine and I want­ed both: to be on our own, to go our own way, to have time for each oth­er and with each oth­er — and to be with peo­ple we like, who have the courage to put their own ideas into prac­tice. We found both. Both result­ed in a refresh­ing, encour­ag­ing whole for us.

For the sake of love

Roman­tic week­end for two, in the very south of Switzerland

What you want: To be togeth­er on the 7th cloud. Just the two of you. Here and now. Enjoy what you have in com­mon. To be near to each oth­er. With all your sens­es. To assure your love to each other.

What hap­pens We will pick you up at the train sta­tion. The apart­ment Zaf­firo offers in win­ter a crack­ling fire­place, in sum­mer an enchant­i­ng court­yard. After the first night the day starts quite slow­ly. The smell of cof­fee or tea wel­comes you in the Oste­ria, along with a break­fast buf­fet of (almost) all home­made food.

A day in nature, strolling, excur­sions or doing noth­ing. In the evening we will wel­come you for a can­dle­light din­ner. The evening does not end, but gives the hand to a night of bliss. Break­fast on Sun­day keeps the farewell far away. Lis­ten­ing to each oth­er once more, look­ing into each other’s eyes longer than before, dar­ing words of love.

What you get:

  • Fri­day evening trip from Men­dri­sio train sta­tion to Meride. Arrival also pos­si­ble late in the evening.
  • Wel­come drink
  • Two break­fast buffets
  • Can­dle­light dinner
  • Two overnight stays
  • Sto­ries, pic­tures, sug­ges­tions about love of the two of you

What it brings: Hap­pi­ness in love is a gift.
Hap­pi­ness is that we lack noth­ing when we are togeth­er. Learn­ing and prac­tic­ing love are con­ducive to happiness.

CHF 500 for both of you
Includ­ed are trans­fer Men­dri­sio — Meride, 2 overnight stays, half board, accom­pa­ny­ing program.

Mis­sion State­ment: My per­son­al self-explanation

A way to be more sure: What fun­da­men­tal­ly dri­ves me? What do I get excit­ed about, what do I fight for and do renounce for it?

What is my vision for my present and my next stage of life? 

pecial­ly appro­pri­ate for peo­ple with respon­si­bil­i­ty: For once, not to face even more pres­sure, but to dis­cov­er your own pas­sions, your inner dri­ve. I am ready to change if change takes me fur­ther in life and clos­er to myself.

Con­tent: Usu­al­ly a three to four day sem­i­nar and three fol­low-up indi­vid­ual coach­ing ses­sions with­in an agreed peri­od of time.

Group size: 1 to 5 peo­ple. Ide­al con­di­tions are e.g. two mar­ried cou­ples who are friends, a small team, a work group.

The tes­ti­mo­ni­als are repro­duced with­out names for rea­sons of pri­va­cy. Names and e‑mail address­es will be pro­vid­ed on request.

Through the sem­i­nar “My per­son­al self-dec­la­ra­tion”, I devel­oped my voca­tion sen­tence thanks to pro­fes­sion­al guid­ance from Wolf­gang Küng. This sen­tence has been with me for more than five years now and con­tin­ues to be a clear guide­line for my decisions.

Short­ly before I attend­ed Wolf­gang Küng’s “My per­son­al self-dec­la­ra­tion” sem­i­nar, I start­ed work­ing as a sec­re­tary for a small NGO. Dur­ing the course, I worked out, among oth­er things, how I want­ed my work to con­tribute to the suc­cess of the com­pa­ny, what changes I per­son­al­ly want­ed to make and how I could ful­fill my work along­side my job as a moth­er. Now, after a year and a half, I have achieved almost every point. The course helped me to rec­og­nize how I can incor­po­rate my per­son­al prin­ci­ples into my work and under which cir­cum­stances I achieve my best performance.

Iden­ti­fy­ing my per­son­al core val­ues has helped me a lot with my own self-image. Due to my very strict Chris­t­ian upbring­ing, for exam­ple, it was nev­er pos­si­ble to enjoy myself with­out a guilty con­science. At that point, it was almost a rev­e­la­tion to me that enjoy­ment is a core val­ue and that I can and may cul­ti­vate it.

I was par­tic­u­lar­ly moved at the time by the lib­er­at­ing effect that work­ing out my own direc­tion in life had on me. That has stayed with me to this day: It sim­ply feels good to be able to go your own way. The tan­gi­ble results with the voca­tion sen­tence and basic val­ues have also become impor­tant com­pan­ions for me in all areas of life. I have learned to appre­ci­ate this com­pass, espe­cial­ly in pro­fes­sion­al deci­sions, and would not want to do with­out it. I also have it con­stant­ly in front of me when plan­ning the year and week — and thus have the cer­tain­ty of stay­ing on course from day to day and year to year.

The sem­i­nar “My per­son­al self-dec­la­ra­tion” has had a last­ing impact on my life. In my life and work, I am guid­ed by my core val­ues and expe­ri­ence how my mis­sion state­ment ‘Out of seren­i­ty, I serve and touch to bring about renew­al’ is mak­ing waves. Many of the goals and ideas for the future from the sem­i­nar four years ago are now a real­i­ty. The struc­ture and con­tent of this sem­i­nar ful­ly con­vince me. That is why I am still mov­ing future thoughts and visions for myself with ref­er­ence to my sem­i­nar doc­u­ments and am hap­py to teach the sem­i­nar myself to young peo­ple who want to explore their voca­tion. I have found a per­son­al com­pass of val­ues that I always keep close to my heart. Since then, the four per­son­al val­ues I have iden­ti­fied have come to the fore in every impor­tant pro­fes­sion­al or pri­vate deci­sion and help me to ana­lyze very quick­ly and pre­cise­ly whether a par­tic­u­lar change of direc­tion makes sense or not. The cer­tain­ty of know­ing what is “my thing” and what is not has clear­ly and sus­tain­ably increased thanks to NORD.

My stay at Küngs was a valu­able time for me. Their hos­pi­tal­i­ty and friend­li­ness are impres­sive, but also the pro­fes­sion­al­ism with which Wolf­gang ran the course. He want­ed some­thing from me and I had some­thing to achieve. That made the course effi­cient. Wolf­gang chal­lenged me. That was good for me. The stay was worth­while and I rec­om­mend La Crisalide in every respect.

It was valu­able to reflect on my mis­sion state­ment and my core val­ues. They keep com­ing back to me and it’s good to know that these are my guid­ing prin­ci­ples. I have found a bit more iden­ti­ty. What­ev­er I do after I retire, it will have some­thing to do with my core val­ues. They are very impor­tant to me.

Hard and heart­felt. We have not regret­ted our deci­sion to book a course with Wolf­gang and Eri­ka after spend­ing sev­er­al years abroad. Our expec­ta­tion that a sem­i­nar of this kind would be real­ly tough was con­firmed. We were there­fore all the more delight­ed by the warmth of the two of them and enjoyed it to the full. While we were divid­ing, research­ing, fil­ter­ing, inter­pret­ing and dis­cov­er­ing things in our lives with Wolf­gang, Eri­ka pro­vid­ed the con­trast to the chal­leng­ing sem­i­nar, excel­lent cui­sine and out­stand­ing hos­pi­tal­i­ty. Effort, emo­tion, chal­lenge — enjoy­ment, con­ver­sa­tion. Hospitality.

The sem­i­nar brought out and visu­al­ized the direc­tion of our life togeth­er, our mar­riage, our fam­i­ly, as well as our indi­vid­ual tal­ents, visions and goals in a pre­vi­ous­ly unknown dimen­sion. The val­ues and goals of our path and our work were sub­ject­ed to a kind of “peel­ing” and con­cretized. Con­crete works that we cre­at­ed in the sem­i­nar serve as cur­rent ori­en­ta­tion val­ues. The sem­i­nar is the first step for any­one who wants more from life. Thank you for your work.

I drove to Meride with mixed feel­ings, because I did­n’t know exact­ly what to expect. But the warm wel­come I received there wiped all these feel­ings away in an instant. it was still quite cold out­side, but “inside” I felt a very spe­cial warmth and open­ness. For four days, Wolf­gang took me “under his wing” and I worked out my core val­ues and my vision. Tears flowed again and again and I rec­og­nized some connections.

As a moth­er and house­wife, I enjoyed being spoiled by Erica’s cook­ing skills — and they real­ly are excel­lent! Depend­ing on your mood, you always get a dif­fer­ent espres­so cup, the sight of which is sooth­ing, not to men­tion the con­tents. I left La Crisalide feel­ing invig­o­rat­ed and full of ener­gy and I will cer­tain­ly take my chil­dren there one day. Thank you very much and keep up the good work!

It was snow­ing all around and my heart was cold too. I need­ed the help of four sin­cere and warm eyes. I found them. Erica’s cook­ing is heav­en­ly. The bath­room at Stu­dio Rubi­no is an event, a par­adise for any evening relax­ation. I remem­ber the mighty calm wood­en beams, the firm pil­lars of the court­yard, the sun and the mist that lov­ing­ly enveloped every­thing. The sem­i­nar was exhaust­ing: I thought, real­ized, cried and final­ly rejoiced. Even though I am already 50, even though I own my own busi­ness: here I found peo­ple who can help me get out of my tun­nel of uncer­tain­ty and ambi­gu­i­ty. Warm­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly. La Crisalide has spir­i­tu­al life, has love, has com­pas­sion, has pro­fes­sion­al­ism. There is sym­pa­thy here, as it was called in ancient Greek: “sym+pathos”, suf­fer­ing togeth­er. It’s great!

My core val­ues: Self com­pe­tence counts

You know how to explain your­self. Peo­ple can see who you are and what you believe in. You deal con­scious­ly with demands and oppor­tu­ni­ties in the present and the future. In your pro­fes­sion­al and pri­vate life.

Con­tent: You iden­ti­fy your core val­ues that guide your life. You define your per­son­al self-expla­na­tion. You devel­op a plan and think about steps to imple­ment your core values. 

You wish to be able to explain what you want and what you don’t want. You intend to bring a val­ue-ori­ent­ed line into the shap­ing of your every­day life and your relationships.

Group: Our sem­i­nars are char­ac­ter­ized by a con­sis­tent focus on indi­vid­ual ben­e­fit. There­fore the group size is lim­it­ed to 5 persons. 

Exten­sive:        4 nights = CHF 1’000
Focused:    3 nights = CHF 900
Each addi­tion­al per­son 50% discount

Includ­ed are sem­i­nar, doc­u­men­ta­tion, accom­mo­da­tion half board, break catering.

The tes­ti­mo­ni­als are repro­duced with­out names for rea­sons of pri­va­cy. Names and e‑mail address­es will be pro­vid­ed on request.

Dear Wolf­gang and Eri­ka, Yes, my time with you was very enrich­ing. The days were a pos­i­tive con­fir­ma­tion of my path. For exam­ple, when I looked at my cur­rent goals for the end of the year and saw that they cor­re­spond exact­ly to my four core val­ues. I also ben­e­fit­ed from your great goal for­mu­la­tion tem­plate. After we got home, I defined all my goals accord­ing to this tem­plate, which was a real plea­sure. One addi­tion was the idea regard­ing end-of-life care. I’m keep­ing it in mind and can well imag­ine train­ing myself in this area.
Thank you both very much for everything!

I ben­e­fit­ed great­ly from the sem­i­nar. First­ly, Meride is a won­der­ful place and sec­ond­ly, I was able to enjoy the com­pa­ny of the Küngs. You approach peo­ple with a lot of love and I was very encour­aged in my per­son­al growth process. It is refresh­ing to expe­ri­ence the alter­na­tion between com­mu­ni­ty and chal­lenge, which you always know how to bring in the right amount. Thank you very much for that. I am amazed at what I was able to find out about myself and your lov­ing approach touched me again this time. On the trail of my voca­tion — the sem­i­nar with Wolf­gang helped me to take stock of my cur­rent sit­u­a­tion in a won­der­ful­ly hos­pitable place. It was help­ful to reflect on my core val­ues. I real­ized that this is not so new… (no won­der, that’s just me). The clar­i­ty with which Wolf­gang chal­lenged me to do what I find with­in myself was authen­tic. And it was­n’t just words: the strength and encour­age­ment (and also the provo­ca­tion) is that he and Eri­ka are liv­ing their dreams and not just dream­ing them… Thank you for the good time with you, thank you for the hos­pi­tal­i­ty, also with your oth­er guests.

3 months lat­er, sec­ond echo: I myself am also amazed at the effect of the sem­i­nar with you, Wolf­gang. You remind­ed me that dreams come true when you pull out your agen­da and make appoint­ments — when the time is right. “Hav­ing my own space” was one of the goals. The tar­get was mid-2016. Now every­thing has moved much faster and the deci­sion has been made to become a free­lancer in addi­tion to my work as a hos­pi­tal chap­lain. I will be offer­ing con­stel­la­tions, coach­ing and life coach­ing from 2016 and am pleased to send you the attached flyer.

From the dream of life to the liv­ing of dreams

A vision for every area of your life. It is the pic­ture of your world when all your goals have been achieved. A long­ing, a pic­ture, a foun­da­tion and a compass.

Con­tent: Val­ue-ori­ent­ed visions are mea­sured by the claim of orig­i­nal­i­ty and joy of life. A vision lies in the future and describes what you see then.

You become the scriptwriter. It is about courage and wis­dom. Alone, in a con­ver­sa­tion in pairs or in a group you cre­ate and explain your visions.

Pre­con­di­tion: You know your life guid­ing core val­ues. You have defined your per­son­al self-expla­na­tion. You want to invest in your­self. Your vision of the future and not the prob­lem deter­mine your steps.

Group: Our sem­i­nars are char­ac­ter­ized by a con­sis­tent focus on indi­vid­ual ben­e­fit. There­fore the group size is lim­it­ed to 5 persons. 

Exten­sive:        4 nights = CHF 1’000
Focused:    3 nights = CHF 900
Each addi­tion­al per­son 50% discount

Includ­ed are sem­i­nar, doc­u­men­ta­tion, accom­mo­da­tion half board, break catering.

My life plan. Self-deter­mi­na­tion makes the difference

Your core val­ues set the agen­da. Your work, your rela­tion­ships, your engage­ment in soci­ety are guid­ed by the imple­men­ta­tion of your core val­ues. You are on your way to a lifestyle that ful­fills and affirms you.

You define a pur­pose state­ment for each of your life-guid­ing core val­ues. You set a plan for real­iza­tion. You plan actions. For your dai­ly work, for your­self, for your fam­i­ly, for your leisure time, for your con­tri­bu­tion to a soci­ety worth liv­ing in.

Method: You are the stage director.

Pre­con­di­tion: You know your life guid­ing core val­ues. You have defined your per­son­al self-expla­na­tion. You want to invest in your­self. Your vision of the future and not the prob­lem deter­mine your steps.

Our sem­i­nars are char­ac­ter­ized by a con­sis­tent focus on indi­vid­ual ben­e­fit. There­fore the group size is lim­it­ed to 5 persons. 

Exten­sive:        4 nights = CHF 1’000
Focused:    3 nights = CHF 900
Each addi­tion­al per­son 50% discount

Includ­ed are sem­i­nar, doc­u­men­ta­tion, accom­mo­da­tion half board, break catering.

My biog­ra­phy — the great gift

You are able to explain your­self. To your­self and to your envi­ron­ment. You know the pat­terns and val­ues, peo­ple and expe­ri­ences that have shaped you. You see the pos­si­bil­i­ties and lim­i­ta­tions that make your life sto­ry rec­og­niz­able. You are on the way to a thought­ful gratitude.

Con­tent: You embark on a jour­ney through time. Back to the begin­nings of your­self and move along your life line. You remem­ber peo­ple, places, gath­er­ings, rep­e­ti­tions. Of move­ment and stop­page, of joy­ful and unhap­py times. You decide what you want to take with you as a force into the future and what not.

Pre­con­di­tion: You want to live lib­er­at­ed and rec­on­ciled. You seek free­dom in deal­ing with new sit­u­a­tions and peo­ple. You want to use your sto­ry ben­e­fi­cial­ly to shape your future.

Group: Our sem­i­nars are char­ac­ter­ized by a con­sis­tent focus on indi­vid­ual ben­e­fit. There­fore the group size is lim­it­ed to 5 persons.

Exten­sive:        4 nights = CHF 1’000
Focused:    3 nights = CHF 900
Each addi­tion­al per­son 50% discount

Includ­ed are sem­i­nar, doc­u­men­ta­tion, accom­mo­da­tion half board, break catering.

Demo­c­ra­t­ic fam­i­ly. Equal­i­ty relaxes

You are a fam­i­ly! You know how you want to man­age to live togeth­er in every­day life. You prac­tice equal­i­ty. You know how deci­sions are made that every­one is hap­py with. Con­flicts are part of life, but you know how to deal with them.

Con­tent: Six days of active vaca­tions in the south of Switzer­land.
Exer­cise ses­sions, cook­ing, excur­sions, and relaxed get-togeth­ers alter­nate — and of course every­thing, includ­ing the menu, is cre­at­ed accord­ing to demo­c­ra­t­ic prin­ci­ples: For exam­ple, each vote of any mem­ber of the fam­i­ly has the same weight.

Method: “Fam­i­ly Con­fer­ence” by Thomas Gor­don. This best­seller and insights from psy­chol­o­gy are our the­o­ret­i­cal frame­work. The result is the intro­duc­tion to the mod­el of a fair­ly orga­nized fam­i­ly. With a fam­i­ly coun­cil. With active lis­ten­ing to one anoth­er. In the lan­guage of acceptance.

Pre­con­di­tion: You want to be „just a nor­mal fam­i­ly”. That works. Where every­one con­tributes to mak­ing it work. Which still has ener­gy left for new ideas, dif­fer­ent projects and oth­er peo­ple or tasks.

Usu­al­ly one family

Course fee         CHF 600
Board and lodg­ing CHF 1,200 for the whole fam­i­ly (basis = 6 nights)

The Ennea­gram. More than a map of life 

This is how you per­ceive the world and how you react. With feel­ing, rea­son, instinct. As helper, over­com­er, researcher, … You under­stand your­self bet­ter and can deal with oth­ers more calmly.

Con­tent: You get into the prin­ci­ple of the “Nine Faces of the Soul”. You get to know the nine Ennea­gram types. You will find your own. You learn new things about your­self and redis­cov­er famil­iar things. You become more under­stand­ing in deal­ing with your­self and with others.

Method: Short teach­ing impuls­es open the top­ic. Alone, in two or in a group, you deep­en and dis­cuss the con­tent. In this way you find and check your own position. 

Pre­con­di­tion: You want to get to know the Ennea­gram and its mean­ing for your life. You want to grow into a per­son who is easy to live with. 

Group: Our sem­i­nars are char­ac­ter­ized by a con­sis­tent focus on indi­vid­ual ben­e­fit. There­fore the group size is lim­it­ed to 5 persons.

Exten­sive:        4 nights = CHF 1’000
Focused:    3 nights = CHF 900
Each addi­tion­al per­son 50% discount

Includ­ed are sem­i­nar, doc­u­men­ta­tion, accom­mo­da­tion half board, break catering.

DISG. Self-con­fi­dence leads to success

You can describe how you expe­ri­ence the world and the demands on you. You are aware of your reac­tion pat­terns, your inner mod­el of behav­ior. You have rec­og­nized your pos­si­bil­i­ties and lim­its and know how you want to deal with them.

Con­tent: You get into the prin­ci­ple of the behav­ioral mod­el DISG. You get to know the four DISG types. You find your own. You learn new things about your­self and redis­cov­er famil­iar ones. You will become more suc­cess­ful in deal­ing with your­self and with others.

Short teach­ing impuls­es open the top­ic. Alone, in two or in a group, you deep­en and dis­cuss the con­tent. In this way you find and check your own position.

Pre­con­di­tion: You want to get to know the DISG behav­ioral pro­file and its mean­ing for your life.
DISG is used a mil­lion times and in all branch­es of busi­ness, Sports, church­es and oth­er orga­ni­za­tions. You want to grow into a per­son who is suc­cess­ful and easy to live with.

Group: Our sem­i­nars are char­ac­ter­ized by a con­sis­tent focus on indi­vid­ual ben­e­fit. There­fore the group size is lim­it­ed to 5 persons. 

Exten­sive:        4 nights = CHF 1’000
Focused:    3 nights = CHF 900
Each addi­tion­al per­son 50% discount

Includ­ed are sem­i­nar, doc­u­men­ta­tion, accom­mo­da­tion half board, break catering.

You want to book now? You have more ques­tions? Please get in touch with us.

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